Technology Partner
Form3 develop payment technology. We offer a fully managed, payment technology platform for Financial Institutions, as-a-Service.
We help banks to orchestrate their payments business in a secure, scalable and cost-effective way through an API-first, cloud-native platform, and deliver it as an always on, fully managed service.
We continually innovate and learn from our community and our customers and build outcomes that deliver true, lasting value to financial institutions and their end customers.
Target market
Enterprise - We insulate customers from the changing payments landscape and alleviate the burden of inflexible and unscalable technologies that restrict growth and opportunity.
High Growth
High Growth - We enable customers to scale on demand, access the full spectrum of payment schemes and future proof against scheme and regulatory changes.
Our technology
Form3 has created an enterprise grade payment technology platform on the cloud, built using microservices.
The platform is highly scalable, adaptable and resilient. It’s a platform that is capable of handling large volumes of payments from day one.
We organise ourselves using an embedded DevOps model. Our multi-functional, self-contained teams own the entire service from end to end. Testing is automated, dynamic and continuous with multiple releases per daily.
Solution highlights
Form3 is invested in 100% automated testing to make sure we don’t break features by changing the inner-workings of the technology.
We can change course quickly and adopt rapid deployment for changes. We use infrastructure as code to enable scalable and repeatable changes to infrastructure at speed. We deploy changes with minimal overhead and zero disruption.
Form3’s ability to dynamically scale up our platform to handle any level of volume. Bank payment volumes are growing at more than 10% a year – how do they mitigate operational risk of their systems failing to cope. Form3’s platform is regularly load tested and is already scaled for in excess of 25% of the UK market traffic.
Ways of working
Form3 adopts a DevOps model where individuals are responsible for the service end to end. This drives a right first-time mentality and full engagement with the customer at each stage. Our collaborative, comprehensive programme management for implementation and onboarding as well as for ‘run’ is backed by our 24/7/365 always on service.
Cloud agnostic
Form3 recognise the importance of benefiting from public cloud, at the same time as managing risk. To that end we already operate cloud service provider agnostic components and etools and are on the leading edge of developing true multi-cloud resilience.
Regional support
Form3 video
Contact Form3
Form3 Financial Cloud
7 Harp Lane
United Kingdom