Cryptomathic Mobile App Security Core (MASC) is a proven mobile banking app security platform for Android and iOS.
To protect against the broad range of security threats requires multiple, mutually reinforcing security layers to be integrated throughout the code of your mobile banking application. Only such pervasive security can effectively shield and defend them against attacks & exploits. Cryptomathic MASC is uniquely positioned to facilitate this role on the app side.
As a security software development kit (SDK) for banking apps (Android and iOS), Cryptomathic MASC consists of multiple layers of complementary defense mechanisms and smartphone app security components - provided with a simple, easy-to-integrate API. MASC enables app providers to focus on developing user-friendly business applications while leaving the critical and specialist security-related parts to MASC.
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Contact Cryptomathic
Cryptomathic A/S
Aaboulevarden 22
8000 Aarhus C