Life at 10x

Looking back on Pride month 2024

Written by Sophie Baxter | 2 July 2024

As we wrap up Pride Month 2024, Compliance Analyst and 10x LGBT+ Pride Network Co-Chair, Sophie Baxter, reflects on the network’s activities this June and the importance of the month.

Why is Pride month important?

So why is organizing activities to celebrate and acknowledge Pride Month important? Pride month is an opportunity to amplify the voices of the LGBT+ community, simultaneously celebrating progress and achievements, but also acknowledging the discrimination, violence and struggles faced by so many worldwide.

This increased visibility can go a long way towards educating the wider public about LGBT+ experiences, and to encourage empathy and understanding, even from those who are not part of the community.

From my own perspective, the visibility and validation associated with Pride month has played a huge role in my own journey of coming out and coming to terms with who I am, from a confused teenager to a co-chair of an employee Pride network!

Why is Pride month important in the workplace?

Celebrating Pride month in the workplace sends a hugely important and positive message of acceptance, and promotes a culture of psychological safety, where colleagues know that they are free to be themselves at work, with support from senior leadership and the wider organization. Most importantly, an environment where colleagues are free to be open and themselves improves mental and emotional wellbeing at work (as I can myself attest), as well as improving performance, productivity, and diversity of thought. 

What have we done this Pride Month in 10x?

This month, the network has been very busy, with a quiz and pizza night, as well as our annual decoration of the office with pride flags and informational posters about LGBT+ role models throughout history. We have also heard from some of our network members on the importance of Pride events and our network itself. Additionally, we were very excited to attend the London Pride March on 29 June, which was a fitting end to a successful month!